
If you are directly upgrading from release 1.17.0 or earlier, please do not skip intermediate release notes.


Ability to retain specialised pods for poolmanager functions

Fission now supports retaining specialised pods for poolmanager functions. This is useful if you want retain specialized pods and reduce cold start time for critical functions. We have added retainPods field in Function CRD to pass the value. Also, we have added CLI flag --retainpods to pass the value. This should work along with requestsPerPod and concurrency fields in Function CRD.

Fission Helm Chart Changes

  • Fixed issue when defaultNamespace and Fission chart release namespaces are same. This issue causes duplicate roles in release namespace for router. #2856
  • Namespace environment variables were missing for various services. This issue is fixed now. #2828

Changed based image to cgr.dev/chainguard/static

We have changed the base image to cgr.dev/chainguard/static for all the components. This image is based on scratch and has no shell. This will reduce the attack surface and improve security. #2881

Kubernetes Client Configuration via Helm Chart (QPS and Burst)

New in 1.20.1:

Added Kubernets client configuration parameters support for QPS and Burst in Fission Helm chart. You can modify the values in values.yaml file as per your requirement.

kubernetesClientQPS: 200
kubernetesClientBurst: 500


Fixed newdeploy and container creation for functions

Improved support for Kubernetes version 1.26 and above. Users previously experienced challenges during function creation due to the use of the autoscaling/v2beta2 API for Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA). This has been addressed by transitioning to the autoscaling/v2 API for HPA.

Fixed poolmanager concurrency usage to use old behavior

Fixed poolmanager concurrency usage to use old behavior. PR #2876 description gives more details. This was causing issue for some users.

Keda connector images updated

Updated Keda connector images with latest dependencies and with base image cgr.dev/chainguard/static. #2880


Kubernetes Version Support

Starting from this release, we will no longer support Kubernetes versions below 1.23. Users are advised to upgrade to later versions for continued support and improved performance.


Fission Controller Removal

We have removed Fission controller from Fission installation. If you have been using Fission controller, please use alternative Kubernetes APIs to manage Fission resources.

Removed traditional Kafka Connector and mqtrigger with kind fission

We have removed traditional Kafka Connector and mqtrigger with kind fission. Please use mqtrigger with kind keda instead. #2875



Last modified January 15, 2024: Add changes for 1.20.1 (#246) (4fb28c1)